On the first strike they'll get supercharged. But if they have the Storm Chaser Trait, or have Loves the Outdoors or Erratic, they might get a different outcome. If a Sim is struck by lightning, they might die. The Sims 4 Seasons: Hypercharged by Lightning With the right traits, your Sim won't die to lightning. Playing like this will definitely encourage you to seek a curse removal potion. A ghostly figure will stalk your Sim, randomly scare them, and you'll have difficulty to get to sleep. This is a pretty unique curse so worth mentioning here. Sometimes in Realm of Magic, when your Sim has an overcharge failure, they'll get the curse of the night stalker. The Sims 4 Realm of Magic: Night Stalker Curse Curse of the Night Wraith in Realm of Magic results in this guy stalking your Sim. That means they literally cannot do any romance interactions except with the person who gifted it to them for the next 3 days. If you gift a Sim with a tulip-scented vase, they will be forced to be loyal to your Sim. While not many scents for flower arranging do something unique, a bouquet scented with tulips does have a special effect. Our first secret comes from The Sims 4 Seasons.
The Sims 4 Seasons: Flower Arranging Loyalty Scent Seasons' Flower Arranging skill has a unique buff - when you scent flowers with tulips, you'll secure the loyalty of the Sim you gift them to for 3 full days.

If you would prefer to see this as a video instead, you can watch it on my youtube channel using the picture link below! Secrets Video Click the picture to watch my Sims 4 Secrets video on Youtube. I have a big list here, and I hope you'll add your own in the comments. There are a good number of secrets in The Sims 4 so I've made a list of tons of things you might not know. Finalist for Best Game, Best Writing, Best Story, Best Setting, Best Individual NPC (bookseller).The Sims 4 Secrets A List of 25 Things You Might Not Know When a game has over 30 packs, it's sure to have a few things you don't know about. XYZZY Awards 2003: Winner of Best NPCs.(Please replace this line with a babel template.) City of Secrets ( Emily Short 2003 Glulx).This arrangement finally came to nothing, but Secret-Secret did allow Short to publish the game as freeware, which she did. Emily Short was originally commissioned to write City of Secrets by the band Secret-Secret, who supplied part of the storyline.The game features a graphical compass rose, and some other graphics in a separate bar at the left of the screen.Many conversations can be held entirely through the menu, since the game will automatically go on to new topics if they have been suggested by the current exchange. City of Secrets uses a hybrid conversation system: you can ask people about topics, but then you can choose between several options from a numbered menu.There are apparently no puzzles in the Novice mode, though there already are relatively few in the Standard mode. The game features two modes: a Standard mode and a Novice mode.People report playing for 6 to 10 hours before finishing the game, and little of this time would have been spent solving puzzles. For modern IF, the game is very big: it contains dozens of well-implemented locations, many NPCs you can talk to, and even some books you can read.But it isn't long before strange things start to happen to you, and with every move you are drawn ever deeper into the mysteries of this City of Secrets. At least the railway company have booked a hotel room for you, and this does give you the opportunity to sightsee in the old and picturesque city. You are on your way to the marriage of a friend when your train stops in the City due to technical problems.